We are meshbrains. Full-stack integrators.
Bringing expertise from network design,
to coding to scalable deployment.

So what does that mean? Full-stack integration?

It means that we bring expertise across all the different levels of information technology to create and deliver networked solutions. E-commerce, mobile apps, cloud apps, workflows.

We're not limited by experience in one or two programming languages, or testing out a flavor of the month application platform. We leverage optimal, reliable, and tested results.

Example projects

The Dream Junction:
Direct to Garment Printing and Fullfillment

Developed a complete end-to-end workflow to accept orders, manage inventory, synchronize digital garment printers, track production, fulfill and ship orders.

A cloud-based infrastructure manages workflow of physical goods at the production floor. This maximizes security, access, and flexibility to deploy production.

Accept orders 24x7

Kick off workflow. Automated image processing and allocate inventory.

Assign and track

Connect label printers, garment printers and dryers to workflow.

Print, Dry, and Fulfill

Workflow ensures multiple processes end with a complete order.

Ship it

Manage shipping, automate electronic tracking updates to clients

Cloud Solutions

1Site design and hosting
We're skilled at crafting HTML websites as well as full-featured content management systems like Drupal, WordPress and Umbraco. We can host single sites with control panels all the way to complex, geographically dispersed sites. Get in touch with us and we'll find the right solution.
2Custom web and mobile app development
Our developers are proficient with scripting languages and frameworks like Ruby on Rails, Python/Django, and PHP/Laravel as well as compiled environments like .NET/C#. We also develop mobile apps for iOS and Android.
3Cloud infrastructure
While cost savings and flexibility are excellent drivers, moving to the cloud means network expertise is more critical than ever.

With a cloud infrastructure, who do you call at 2AM? Building high-availability, redundancy, backups and monitoring are still in your court. We provide that expertise to set up and monitor your infrastructure to maximize.

4Network monitoring and analytics
Developing and deploying your site or app is just the beginning.

Network management is an active element in keeping your site up around the clock. Knowing the warning signs before trouble arrives is key. Once we deploy your app, we'll keep a close eye on it.

While many organizations are comfortable with sharing their business processes with third-parties like Google Analytics, we offer an in-house solution that ensures you have full control and visibility over your data.